Fake Bank Draft from Africa – Togo
  • 3.06.2020


This article is written with the request good friend Bernard Group, Mr. Schulz, short about Schulz live Luxembourg, and he has been working honestly for many years in the Bank security Department, we won’t advertise which Bank he works for,

Several times Mr. Schulz received a fake as a Bank draft from Deutsche Bank, under investigation, it was all fake, and a few people innocent people got hold of these fakes, because many have no idea what a real document from Deutsche Bank looks like at all. There were people who managed to get a HARD Copy of these fake documents! And with these documents went to the Bank and of course they will be arrested in the Bank, and they received 8 years in prison, about this was written an article several times on the Twitter of Deutsche Bank. Imagine for a moment how you can sit in prison for stupidity, this people did not know that all these documents are fake, okay, if you lose money, you can earn it, and when you lose your freedom, it’s very insulting.

Then Schulz became very interested in who this fraudster was who hurt thousands of people.

The first thing he did, he sent a request to fraudster’s Bank to immediately investigate appropriation of money that he received constantly from victims. When fraudsters get money for fake contracts, documents allegedly from the Bank, naturally it cannot confirm that this money is legitimate.

Next: he found this fraudster, his name is Kpetchi Adam Kokoive, fraudster live continents Africa countries Togo. Schulz was very surprised how this person was able to deceive people, when writing and talking with a fraudster, Schulz felt that this fraudster is very stupid. Only thing the fraudster could show! This is arrogance and stories about fictional deals. That’s all there is to it. Further, Schultz introduced himself to the fraudster as a client, began a conversation with him! all given correspondence, we will put below.

Bank details of fraudster




ACCOUNT NUMBER 011.793.000054210000148718






[17:29, 5/29/2020] Jonte Schulz: Hi, Sir

[17:29, 5/29/2020] Jonte Schulz: How are you?

[17:31, 5/29/2020] Jonte Schulz: Can I talk to Provider Mr. Adam?

[17:40, 5/29/2020] Jonte Schulz: Mr. Adam, our company is the largest in the world and can trade venues, we need a banking instrument from Deutsche Bank, one of our acquaintances named Agil transferred your number! and said that he is your representative in Sweden! please tell me do you know such a person? he also said you are a serious provider, can you release Bank draft?

[18:43, 5/29/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Hi.. 100% we do provide Bank instruments

[18:43, 5/29/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : But need to know the Exact Amount…. To which Bank and Country?

[18:43, 5/29/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : We do provide Bank Draft from Deutsche if and if only your group follow our procedure

[18:43, 5/29/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Thanks

[20:02, 5/29/2020] Jonte Schulz: excellent,

Country China

Bank Standart Chartered Bank (H.K) LTD

[20:03, 5/29/2020] Jonte Schulz: can you release to China?

[20:04, 5/29/2020] Jonte Schulz: amount 500 million euros

[20:47, 5/29/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Yes any country if you are sure of your Bank

[20:49, 5/29/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : 1- Doa signed

2- Soft Copy + BCL + ATV to client bank and cc to client for Verifications.

3- when ok, he pays A FEE according to the amount of Draft.

4- swift MT110

5- Payment Released

10 + 2 LEASE

40 + 2 SALE

[04:07, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : No Comment!! Great!

[04:11, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Sorry Mr. Adam was on read, I couldn’t answer, now I can write, please, send me your contact, we agree

[04:19, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: [email protected]

[04:22, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: It was too late, so I didn’t write to you, send me contact I don’t want to lose real Provider!

[04:24, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: I will wait for a contract from you, you can write to me any time Mr. Adam


[04:32, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Ok contract in the morning

[04:34, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : I don’t know your full name!!

[04:35, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Jonte Schulz

[04:36, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : good night

[04:37, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Mr Adam how fact can you release bank draft +mt 110?

[04:37, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Good night


[04:39, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : All depends on your group…

You sign the contract back within maxi 24 to 48hours we can push hard for the soft copy to your bank and you to verify…

Then the rest in your hands

[04:39, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : We move fast with the MT110

[04:40, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: This great! We’ll make a lot money

Thanks Mr Adam

Good night

Morning wait contact

[04:41, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz:

[15:59, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Hi mr Adam

Will you send me your contact?

[15:59, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Sure please just few mn

[15:59, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Ok thanks

[17:46, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : I here ?

[17:47, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Hi

[17:47, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : The Bank draft you want it Leasing or Purchasing ?

[17:48, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : ????

[17:48, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Purchasing

[17:48, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: No leasing

[17:48, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : So i know which DOA to send

[17:48, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Ok thanks

[17:48, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Thanks

[17:53, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Mr Adam

I have one question

[17:54, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: You as a professional know answer

[17:55, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Pls, tell me, around world how many real providers are there?

[17:59, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Hummm very little

[18:01, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: In addition, deutsche Bank how many providers are there ?

[18:02, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : No not much you have to be careful …

[18:07, 5/30/2020] Jonte

Schulz: You are right 100% Mr Adam .

I started searching a month ago, but I didn’t find them


[18:14, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Yes, this is serious, mr Adam you president this group? I understand KPETCHI FINANCIAL GROUP is provider?

[18:17, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Are you making a decision? Or do you work for this company? Sorry for question

[18:20, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: I’m interested , so I only want to work you

[18:20, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : CEO… for some and CFO for others… wait few mn to get the doa and you will read through

[18:20, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : If anything amended let me know

[18:20, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Ok thanks

[18:37, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Check your mail… anything just leave a message here for me… thanks

[18:37, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: ok

[18:39, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Yes, I got email, I’ll check it out now



ACCOUNT NAME: : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | JONTE SCHULZ

ACCOUNT NUMBER: : 0986542148



xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : [email protected]

PHONE | FAX : +49 40 34106680 +49 40 34106681

[22:33, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Check if it suits you?

[22:34, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Also Domain does not match db

[22:34, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: db-Frankfurt.com

[22:36, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: My partners ask me

[22:36, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: I don’t know how to answer Mr Adam

[22:37, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Please inform me

[22:38, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Db.com and all Deutsche and any domain of DB Belong to Deutsche Bank what i know

[22:38, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Ok

[22:39, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : www.db.com


[22:39, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Have more they don’t know

[22:40, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : This the receiving Bank?

[22:40, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Yes

[22:40, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Check pls

[22:42, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: You can give us

1. Invoice

2. Receipt

3. Copy your passport + you photo +passport

For transfer to BMCE Bank 1 mln Euro

[22:42, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: ??

[22:44, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Please read the procedure .

If you are ok with it… tour client feels it signs and forward to us… then we verify then what else you need we provide for u.. We jump

[22:44, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : We don’t jump

[22:45, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Why invoice whereby Draftis not yet ready?

[22:45, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : You want to pay before draft is issued?

[22:46, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Is it a change of Procedure or you have any goal

[22:46, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: I have to get information from you in advance to talk to client

[22:47, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : All necessary info in the DOA…

First he agrees in the DOA.. we need him fills it and seal and forward to us as agreed

[22:48, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Then after our own dd… we can do as he said or wants

[22:51, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: great, thank you, I’ll pass it on

[22:53, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: have you checked? approve?

[22:56, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Mr. Adam I failed you, excuse me sorry (((

[22:56, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: client asks, he can pay 350 thousand euros

[22:57, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: he doesn’t have 1 million euros, only 350 tho.. euro

[22:58, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: what should I do?

[22:58, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: he’s my friend, he’s not lying! what should I tell him?

[22:59, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: he’s calling me

[23:00, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Call me

[23:01, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Ada

m Fucking Scammer : We make a conference with the client if possible

[23:04, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: you tell me he is worried, do you approve 350 thousand euros?

[23:04, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: I speak German, do you speak German?

[23:04, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : 350k we arrange him Draft of such… €200M or a little more what u think?

[23:05, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Pas bien

[23:05, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Not well

[23:06, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Mr. Adam, help my friend, release 500 million for 350 thousand euros

[23:06, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Ok i approve it we can start with €200M

[23:06, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: please

[23:06, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz:

[23:06, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Ok i will push as this is the first time but tell him at least €500,000

[23:07, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz:

[23:07, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: omg thanks Mr. Adam

[23:07, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: thanks

[23:07, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz:

[23:07, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer :

[23:08, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: I’ll talk to him now, and he’ll send you the contract

[23:10, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Mr. Adam, my friend is crying for joy) requests your whatsapp, I said I can’t give you your whatsapp number

[23:13, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Mr. Adam, can you send your photo my friend wants to see

[23:13, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: he’s in shock

[23:35, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Tell him the two passport photos in the contracts are enough… They representing the transaction though iam the boss… If he wants we can all me a conférence call with them…. But one available now speaks only French but i can enterprete

[23:36, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Let them fill and sign the contract and send back with all

[23:36, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : But one question

[23:36, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : He has only Bank of China? There he is ok to receive…?

[23:39, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: yes, it only has bank of china – germany branch

[23:40, 5/30/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Ok good

[23:57, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Hi

[23:57, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Check

[23:57, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Pls

[23:58, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: Mr Adam

[23:58, 5/30/2020] Jonte Schulz: You here ?

[00:01, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Sorry was on other call

[00:01, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: Ok

[00:01, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: Sorry

[00:03, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : You must change 0.2 to 0.1

[00:03, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : A Malaysia does not speak English ?

[00:04, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: Mr. adam this is our fake ceo

[00:04, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: we breed banks )

[00:05, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: my partner is deutch

[00:05, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: german

[00:06, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: we also want to earn 350 thousand euros, my German friend pays!

[00:07, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: Malaysia doesn’t solve anything

[00:08, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: or do you need Malaysia?

[00:11, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: we have everything ready in the Bank! they will issue a loan to a shell company and that’s it

[00:11, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: you are worried about?

[00:12, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Dear friend..

I don’t know what game it is ..

But our Bank makes de before issuing the Draft..

The company you put in the contract and CEO different is bad for us.

[00:13, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Well what do you want me to do?

[00:13, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Call me

[00:14, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: we have everything ready! the Director of the company will come and sign all the documents, the Bank Manager is my friend!

[00:14, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: pls, do it! we’ll pay for everything

[00:15, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : If so and to believe you…

I send to you our invoice…

You pay

We issue the draft and send immediately the Swift MT110

[00:15, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: yes

[00:15, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: only 350000 euro

[00:15, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: ok?

[00:16, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : But my friend we just conclude everything on 500k now … now you change again?

[00:16, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : ‍♂

[00:18, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Can u call me?

[00:18, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Or answer

[00:18, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: you issue a check 500 mln

we pays 350000 euro

you issue mt 110

after receiver mt 110 we pay 42%

[00:19, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: deutsche bank ag send hard copy

[00:19, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: after pay 42% ok?

[00:19, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: does that suit you?”

[00:20, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: we just can’t pay 1 million euros

[00:21, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: we have 350 thousand euros

[00:21, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : and you told me your client accepted

[00:22, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: wow sorry

[00:22, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: i call my friend

[00:22, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: few mn

[00:25, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: please, I’ll call him now! I will persuade him, when he transfers 500… you transfer 50 thousand euros to me OK?

Mr.Adam 450

Jonte 50

[00:26, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: I will give this money to the Bank so that it can quickly make a loan for us

[00:26, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Ok as first time… we can you and I ..

Most important is the 40% + 2% commission for you!!

[00:27, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: perfect! ok

[00:27, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: should I call you?

[00:27, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Yes

[00:29, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : I don’t speak much German

[00:29, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: )

[00:29, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Only French and English

[00:29, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: No problem

[00:29, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz:

[00:29, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : You only German?

[00:29, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: I’m wait you copy draft

[00:29, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: No

[00:29, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Ok

[00:30, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: Monday ?

2 part of sex )))))))))))))))))))))

[00:30, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: Mr Adam give me you phone number

[00:31, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : +23-785244791

[00:31, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: Thanks

[00:32, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: how quickly can you issue a check

[00:32, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: ?

[00:33, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Will push before end of banking hour

[00:33, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: do you have any old receipts? so I can show my friend

[00:34, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: bank draft bcl atv

[00:35, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: I’m talking to him! I said you speak German, so I told him I spoke to you on phone

[00:36, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: also give us an invoice for 500 thousand euros

[00:37, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: you must specify an invoice

your Bank’s phone number

your Bank’s e-mail address

[00:45, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : This is just last two weeks for jus $26M SBLC…

[00:45, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : So imagine

[00:47, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Not to circulate on internet

[00:48, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: you don’t understand) I asked you

copy of Bank draft

swift copy

previously that made your group

[00:49, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Ah ok… don’t worry Monday you-ll have this one issued and as you in Germany very good you can even go in and verify if any doubt

[00:49, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: leave this photo, I’ll only show it to a friend

[00:50, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: I believe you

[00:51, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: send that photo that is proof that you really work! my friend then does not doubt at all

[00:56, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: let him look) he told me, like you guarantee, Mr. Adam release 110 after receiving money. I said Adam is my friend and he is a man of his word! and told him he is a serious provider

[00:59, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : They just paying €2.6M by monday

[00:59, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: omg

[01:01, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: when we send money to your account, how many days does it take for you to see it on your account

[01:01, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: from Germany to Morocco

[01:01, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Acceptad

[01:02, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : See this for one mn

[01:05, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: Commerz Bank

frankfurter allee 13-15 berlin

[01:09, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: this company paid this money

karam trading ?

[01:09, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: I had no doubt you were cool

[01:10, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: I feel it,

[01:11, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: I’m like a psychic

[01:11, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: I feel people

[01:29, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Can send via GPI maxi 48hours

[01:31, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : If normal transfer 6days

[01:32, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Can be as well Express swift Transfer

[01:33, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : You must make it “EXPRESS”

[01:58, 5/31/2020] Jonte Schulz: You are professional

[01:59, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : All to GOD!!

[13:26, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Happy Sunday

[13:26, 5/31/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Hope all ok on your side!!

[13:45, 6/1/2020] Jonte Schulz: Hi Mr Adam

[13:46, 6/1/2020] Jonte Schulz: I hope you are doing well

[13:47, 6/1/2020] Jonte Schulz: We are waiting for you copy bank draft

[13:53, 6/1/2020] Jonte Schulz: I understand that today is Monday, you are probably in Bank, pls speed up our business

[13:57, 6/1/2020] Jonte Schulz: As soon I get documents, I will quickly arrange transfer money, because I also need this 50 thousand )

[13:59, 6/1/2020] Jonte Schulz: I have a loan mortgage and I have to close it by end week, pls give documents

[14:04, 6/1/2020] Jonte Schulz: Today! You and I must get these documents from deutsche Bank! Tomorrow you and I must get MONEY!

[14:38, 6/1/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Hello my friend..

How are you today?

My side have already done the necessary… Be calm… we are also Awaiting the Soft copy + BCL…

Thanks for your patience

[14:53, 6/1/2020] Jonte Schulz: Thanks


:33, 6/1/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Banker said early in the morning of tomorrow i’ll get the Soft copies..

Then i’ll forward them to you.

Today is a Holiday

[18:44, 6/1/2020] Jonte Schulz: Omg

[18:44, 6/1/2020] Jonte Schulz:

[18:45, 6/1/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : It is done… but if seems with tomorrow date

[18:45, 6/1/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : As it is holiday today

[18:45, 6/1/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Be calm

[19:07, 6/1/2020] Jonte Schulz: Ok thanks

Tomorrow we wait copy

[12:33, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: Hi Mr Adam

[12:56, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Bonjour Partenaire

[12:57, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : I’ll copies to you here now… Then later we talk…Sorry was in the hospital

[13:50, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : U here?

Fake confirmation from Deutsche Bank

Fake confirmation from Mr James von Moltke

[13:55, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : You have only five days for payment and swift MT110 Confirmation to be sent.

And also maxi 7 days to pay our agreed %. We don’t have no time to waste… talk and talk. But Action…

[14:17, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz:

[14:17, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz:

[14:17, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: Thanks

[14:18, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: My friend tomorrow sent money !

[14:20, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Will send you the invoice in few mn

[14:21, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : As all must be legal

[14:21, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : And things move faster

[14:21, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Also try to do the payment in express way. Thank

[17:26, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: Hello, Mr. Adam, everything is fine, we have sent a copy document to Bank!

[17:27, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: that’s just fine

[17:28, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: now, the Bank has asked that your bank send a copy of these documents via Bank’s mail to our Bank

[17:29, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: Can you arrange it

[17:29, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: this should be done today

[17:30, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: tomorrow morning we will send the money to BMCE

[17:31, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: give me answer, I’m in the Bank now, I’ll finish everything and go home

[17:32, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: I don’t have much time please hurry your Bank

[17:35, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Sorry bro. A bit sick.. Don’t Push in words…

To which bank… to the client’s bank the soft copies?

[17:35, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: please reply to me

[17:36, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : It seems it was already sent .

[17:36, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Let me check

[17:40, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: send all copies of documents! on [email protected]

[17:44, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: what happened to you? I missed this message sorry

[17:45, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: Mr. James sent copy all documents on Li Lui

[17:45, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : My stomac but feeling a bit better now..

[17:45, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : All copies will be sent to Lui shortly

[17:45, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Don’t worry for that

[17:47, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: great, you’re a professional at your job

[17:51, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: I’m worried, are you all right?

[17:51, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: maybe you’re under anaesthetic?

[17:52, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: don’t scare me like that

[17:52, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: you’re in hospitals

[17:53, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: I know the stomach is dangerous

[17:53, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: you will be able to continue working?

[17:54, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Sure sure. It was a serious constipation

But better now

[17:55, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : One Question:

Is this same DOA in your client’s Bank?

[17:56, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: of course

[19:04, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: Hi Mr. Adam

[19:04, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: you here?

[19:05, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: please tell me why you are sending an email to Bank of China with mail protonmail.com?

[19:06, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: Deutsche Bank should send email not the provider!

[19:06, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : My friend just told me it was a mail from Deutsche forwarded there from our company ..

So now we told Banker to do so direct

[19:08, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: tell me can you send from Deutsche Bank to Bank of China? EMAIL

[19:09, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: not provider email

[19:09, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: pls

[19:09, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : But why banker complaining?!!

[19:10, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : She had seen banker’s mail there she can easily verify

[19:10, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Some times I feel people take banking as so difficult

[19:11, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: there is no mail Bank!

[19:11, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : She can even said thanks but will be happy to hear direct from your banker

[19:11, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Man there is

[19:11, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : It was a forwarded mail

[19:11, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Ok let me push my side

[19:14, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: I don’t want to argue with you! I don’t care where the letter comes from! the most important thing is the customer paid 500 to your account tomorrow morning

[19:14, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: so that he will pay us tomorrow morning! Deutsche Bank must send a letter to Bank of China

[19:15, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: can you arrange it?

[19:16, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Pushing it now …

Be calm

[19:18, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: Great! we have to make it today so that tomorrow morning he will pay us money

[19:18, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: we’re a team

[19:19, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Banker speaks German or should be written in English?

[19:20, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: english

[19:21, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: all documents are in English, as the letter can be in German?

[19:23, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: international transactions take place in English, so the message must be in English.

[19:24, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Don’t worry it will before they close at 8pm

[19:25, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Few mn

[19:25, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: great

[19:25, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : The headquarter

[19:28, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: Adam I’m worried how do you feel?

[19:30, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : A bit better … I will be fully ok…

[20:02, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: damn Adam

[20:03, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: you’re fucking crazy

[20:03, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: Bank of China has just received confirmation from Deutsche Bank

[20:03, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz:

[20:04, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz:

[20:05, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: she received a letter from [email protected]

[20:07, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: question! tomorrow transfer money to you, how fast can you transfer it to me 50000 euro?

[20:08, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: where did Adam go?

[20:08, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: I don’t think you’re all right!

[20:08, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Hi sorry.. just a bit in pain

[20:09, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : You just send me the account…

[20:09, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: maybe you hospital?

[20:10, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : But let him make via gpi… very fast….24to48hours

[20:10, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : No no

[20:10, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Doctor came to me

[20:10, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : But gone now

[20:10, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: I’ll send you an invoice tomorrow

[20:10, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Invoice?

[20:11, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: where do you live? which country

[20:11, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: yes

[20:12, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: Adam send me your photo )

[20:12, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : In Monaco now but could be travelling if in good form, tomorrow evening…

[20:12, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: I’ll show my friend we’re going to a restaurant now

[20:13, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Why u need all these, let’s close one deal successfully then we meet and I introduce you to real businesses and you make millions… Let’s send the swift MT110, and let your client RESPECT our Agreement.. Then SKY is the limit…

[20:14, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: he may suspect that i dont know you very well

[20:15, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: you’re starting again, don’t you believe me?

[20:15, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Who’s that friend?

[20:16, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Call me let him talk to me?

I feel you are a bit worried…

[20:16, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: who will pay 500 thousand euros tomorrow

[20:17, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: I had a few drinks brother

[20:17, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: I’m sorry. brother

[20:18, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: started!!! I didn’t believe you

[20:19, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: now I’m ashamed

[20:21, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Why he wants picture? Show him any!!! Bro. I.m a bit sick

.. in my singlet so I should send such picture to him?

I sound like there’s one doubting

[20:21, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Don’t be ashamed… I am not a small man.. i am a top level diplomat can just see me like that!!

[20:22, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: you send me an old photo without a difference

[20:23, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: in short, I understand you will not be able to give me a photo?

[20:23, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: I didn’t expect this, it’s very strange

[20:24, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: you are a famous man! how can you hide your face?

[20:25, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: you understand tomorrow you will transfer 500 thousand! for you I give a guarantee! and you can’t send me a photo!???????

[20:26, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: just don’t write me nonsense, pls pls

[20:27, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : My friend why are you worried? Tell me?

Because of 500k or because of your 50K… it is very funny..

I.m not refusing but it is making laugh here…

Which you could see the transactions we have at hands!!!

Please after call me via video… No Push me now… I.m not in such a mood!!!

He wants see David Peyres etc.. , we can all make call to discuss why u r worried? Hummm

[20:28, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Non sense?

Ok, what you feel? We cancel the deal right away

[20:28, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : ???

Part 3-destroy the fraudster…

[20:29, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: I think! 50 thousand of my money you want to take?

[20:29, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : My friend we are not after 500k nor 1m

[20:29, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: why do you need my 50 thousand???

[20:29, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : I give ladies free of this

[20:30, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : One minute o show something

[20:31, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: brother do you promise? transfer my 50 thousand euro.

[20:31, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Bro. Why I will NOT?

[20:31, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Tell me?

[20:31, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : If No I tell you at beginning NO

[20:31, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : I am very straight

[20:32, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Since we start did I say anything and I did not do?

[20:32, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: well, why do you and my friend always want to talk? you want me off the deal?

[20:33, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz:

[20:33, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Do you know Turkey a bit?

Just to show you one BF €5.5B and they are calling me every mn

[20:33, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Nooooooo

[20:34, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Bro. 18years in Banking Transactions we don’t bypass anyone

[20:34, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: turkey -no( – show me(

[20:35, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Just I wanted to be sure..

As last time one stupid guy made us waste our time and bankers were not happy

[20:35, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : He ordered €2B draft into Korea

[20:36, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : But had no good connection nor credit like with his bankers and even his bankers not even aware of the transaction

[20:36, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : After we got to know he is not the Direct owner of account

[20:37, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : And luckily our partner there Frank Park, knows the owner of the account

[20:37, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : So since then we decide to be sure of the main Beneficiary

[20:37, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: just telling me?

[20:37, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : So don’t feel worried

[20:39, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: show me something) for example I have 4 children and a fucking mortgage I can show you

[20:39, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Bro. I SWEAR EVERYTHING FOR YOU….

If he makes payment tomorrow,

Give me your Account and automatically you have your €50K…

[20:40, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Most important the work to be done and you get your % as well!!….

[20:40, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: no brother! I write on my laptop

[20:40, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : So no worry for at all

[20:41, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: do you have other clients ? right now?

[20:44, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: if I transfer money to you tomorrow! you have a problem with your stomach what if something happens to you? how do I get my money?

[20:45, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: What do you say, brother?

[20:46, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Pls don’t wish me Bad

[20:46, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: Sorry

[20:46, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : As I said… send me your account details

[20:46, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: Ok

[20:46, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: ??

[20:46, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: Show me pls

[20:46, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : If your client can make Express transfer very good

[20:50, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: ??

[20:51, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: who are these people?

[20:53, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer :

[20:54, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : You asked for Resend Clients… I should send to you to see

[20:54, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : You want more?

[20:55, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: yes

[20:56, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: maybe all there photos from google?

[20:58, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Haha now I see you are a bit funny

[20:58, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : So you cannot see their names up there?

[20:59, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam

Fucking Scammer : Bro. I know this is the first time working and you feel somehow

[21:00, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : After we do this deal and you are happy… then you will realised we are not in for jokes

[21:00, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: how did you know?”

[21:00, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Well I have 18years banking experiences!!

[21:01, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: can you show me proof that these are your clients?

[21:10, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Please no time to waste..

Which kind of proof?

[21:11, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Also why you want to enter to communication with my clients

[21:11, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : I just sent you those picture in a kind of trust in you

[21:11, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : But they are top confidential

[21:12, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : This is a Deputy minister of a country and head of A Top political group…

[21:17, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : U can see who is writing me?!!

[21:28, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Sorry for security reasons… as we are working on lots of Projects now.. Thanks for your understanding

[21:33, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : When you reach your laptop please forward the Account details to me. Thanks

[21:33, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Good night

[23:18, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: Hi

[23:18, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: u here

[23:18, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: Dear Sirs

We inform you about fraud that occurs several years in your Bank, below I will put an account that accepts money from fraud.

Your client is Adam Kpetchi, a resident of Togo! Creates fake contracts-allegedly it sells a financial instrument from Deutsche Bank Frankfurt, but it is not related to Deutsche Bank! With these fake contracts, it will go into people’s trust and ask for advance payment for issuing fake Bank tools!

In all fake contract it indicates your Bank! And a lot of people transferred money to the account listed below


Casablanca Morocco


Account number 011 793 000054210000148718

Account name Kpetchi Financial Group

Your client is a scammer all money… received in this account, the origin of money is u…

[23:19, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: you stupid bastard

[23:19, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: what a fucker you are

[23:20, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: you gave me enough proof

[23:21, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: you know what a Bank draft is!???

[23:21, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: go ahead and block me! I don’t give a fuck about it

[23:22, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: this was sent from the Bank! I work in a Bank motherfucker

[23:23, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: you’re going to jail anyway! I personally make a request to TOGO – foreign affairs ministry

[23:26, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: I have a copy of you passport and u photo!! fat bastard

[23:27, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: BMCE Bank! I’m blocking you account and they’re bringing a criminal case my bitch !

[23:36, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Thanks for your Comment!!

May The Lord Forgives You and all your descendants.

Thanks for your Time.

[23:37, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: Fuck off

[23:37, 6/2/2020] Kpetchi Adam Fucking Scammer : Thanks

[23:38, 6/2/2020] Jonte Schulz: When do you cheat people? Don’t you think about God ?

To be continued…….

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